+Speed Sounds/ Spelling

We pride ourselves in teaching children to read. Our  staff have recently received extensive training in Read Write Inc, a structured and systematic programme designed to create confident readers and writers. 


We devote 30 minutes per day of group focused reading. Children work their way through 'set 1, 2 and 3 sounds' and 'word times' as well as guided reading. 

 Your child will be grouped accordingly following an assessments which happens at the end of each half term. Children are assessed on: sounds, words, alien words,  speed and fluency. 


Your child will move through the reading stages based on their assessments and group.



Opportunities are provided throughout the week for children to change their reading books. 

See Here for reading stages: 

Complete List of Reading Books


With commitment from both school and home, we hope to instil a passion for reading for all of our children. 

I hope you can make use of the resources we have to offer on this page. 





Set 1

Set one phonics includes learning to read the sounds below in small steps until children can read each phase of sounds 'speedily'. We always begin with sounds:   m  a  s  d  t  i  n  p

Now they will begin their first word time where children 'Fred Talk' sounds speedily to blend words. 

Meet Fred 

Fred can only speak using sounds such as

'm' 'a' 't'

When we are teaching children to blend words we use 'Fred Talk' 

Using this method can help children to sound out words when they read and spell. 


Fred Games

Set 3

Set 3  Resources

Set 2


Make phonics Fun!




Following Speed Sounds, children begin to focus more on spelling to build confidence and accuracy in writing. 

Spelling groups use group sessions to work on the 'Rising Stars' programme where they will practice curriculum focused spelling patterns. 


Spelling Homework

Log in here! 

All children receive weekly spellings to learn both at school and at home. 

Children are tested every Monday and Friday on their weekly spelling. 

Look out for a certificate in your child's bag to celebrate progress. 


'Common Exception words' are frequently used words that do not follow the common phonetic spelling rules.

They are split into year groups with the expectation that children should be able to read and spell each word by the end of each academic year. 


Key Stage 1- ks1 common exception words.pdf

Key Stage 2-SpellingWordList_Y3-4.pdf