The sessions cater for the needs of children aged 2 and a half to 4 years and fees are £5.00 per hour.  Funding is available through the National Childcare Strategy the term after your child turns 3 years old when your child will be entitled to 15 hours free of charge per week.  Working parents can claim 30 hours free Childcare from the term after their child's 3rd birthday.  Some children are eligible for funding from age 2 years.  Please ask for details.

Dorothy Purvis 

Pre-school assistant 

Beverly Sprot 

Pre-school assistant 

Lucky Ducks Preschool 

Our fabulous 'Lucky Ducks' is an independent Pre-School Group located in our Community Building on the school site. 

The direct telephone number for Lucky Ducks Pre-School is

07734 274 367

Flexible Starting Times

Lucky Ducks run every day during school term time (Monday - Friday) in the Community Building between 8.45am and 3pm.

Our Staff

Hayley Evans

Pre-school Manager

BA Hons in Childhood, youth and Early Childhood Education


The Pre-School is a  member of the Pre-School Learning Alliance.  The close liaison between the staff of the Pre-School and School ensures a very smooth transition into full-time education for our youngest pupils.


We have a fantastic outdoor area that we use rain or shine. Children are encouraged to bring wellies and waterproofs so that they can access it all times of the year! 

Sam Morris 

Pre-school assistant 

BA Hons in Childhood, youth and Early Childhood Education