
National Number Day

For 'National Number Day' we invited grown ups in to school to spend some time with their children doing some number activities and playing some number games! The number scavenger hunt was a big hit! 

Christmas Craft Morning

We hold a Christmas craft morning every year, where parents, family members and friends can come and join in with some super messy, sparkly, sticky but absolutely beautiful crafts! What a lovely morning everyone had!  

Remembrance Day 2024

We observed our one minute silence for Remembrance Day at the War Memorial and Mrs Rooney played the bagpipes to end our silence.

Saltpan Rocks

Ash class went to Cocklawburn Beach to take a closer look at the Saltpanrocks. A local artist and geologist was there to share their knowledge of why the area is of importance. The children have learnt a lot of fascinating facts, have done lots of brilliant follow up work and have been really interested in this project!

Newcastle United Foundation

Our pupils, families & staff held a fundraiser to help raise money for our friend and NUF P.E. coach Jack and his family following a serious accident. Paul from the Newcatsle United Foundation came to school to join in with our activites as part of our fundraising day.

Some of our Year 3 & 4 chidlren were lucky enough to have the chance to visit the NUF HQ as recognition for our fundraising! They held an activities day and even got to meet TWO Newcastle United players Tino Livermento & Jacob Murphy!  

Acorns & Lucky Ducks Pumpkin Patch Trip

We have had a fabulous time at the pumpkin patch. Finding all sorts of pumpkins; round, fat, tall, knobbly, long. We all had fun exploring the site and picking our pumpkins before stopping for snack.

The Hirsel Trip 

Our Ash class children had a fantastic trip to The Hirsel. They took part in lots of "field" activities to understand where our food comes from, the importance of a balanced diet and the vital role that farming plays in food production.They then baked their own apple scones using the ingredients from this mornings activities! 

Pictorial Photography Visit

Oak class had a visit from Sarah from Pictorial photography. She showed us her photographs of dogs and different human jobs they might have before we discussed our own pets and what jobs they might have if they were humans. They were very creative in the ideas they came up with!

Lowry Dance Workshop

Following on from our work about Lowry earlier this half term, the children took part in a creative dance workshop. The main focus was collaboration and creativity which the children did fantastic with. They performed their sequences to Oak Class who were an exceptional audience. Well done! 

Lowry Workshop

Linda and Beth from Berwick Archives, visited Ash Class to share with us what life was like in the 1930's when the famous Painter L S Lowry visited Berwick. We used maps and photographs to discover just how much Berwick has changed over the past 100 years!


Year 1 and 2 have enjoyed the start of their cricket lessons this half term with Tom. In their first lesson they played some teamwork games before having a mini game of cricket.

Ukulele Practise

Ash Class have started learning to play the Ukulele with music teacher Mrs Thompson. We look forward to performing for our families sometime in the near future!