Scremerston First School values all pupils and celebrates diversity of experience, interest and achievement. All pupils need to experience praise, recognition and success, and pupils with SEND have equal entitlement to this. Regardless of need, every child has the entitlement to learn and be successful.
This page will help parents and carers easily understand how we aim to support children with Special Educational Needs at Scremerston First School underpinning the statutory guidance for organisations who work with children with special educational needs, The Special Educational Needs and Disability Code of Practice.
Special Educational Needs Coordinator: Miss Sarah Black
Special Educational Needs Governor: Miss Emma Hollywell
How do we support children with SEND children at Scremerston?
Waves of Intervention
The 3 wave model of intervention provides a framework for teachers to follow in order to make their teaching more accessible and inclusive whilst reducing underachievement.
Wave 1: Universal
Quality First Teaching (QFT) is a style of teaching that focuses on high quality and inclusive teaching for every child in a classroom. Quality First Teaching relies on a variety of learning strategies in order to be effective, like differentiated learning and the use of SEND resources. QFT is an approach that highlights the need for a personalised learning experience and encourages greater inclusion of pupils with SEND needs.
Wave 2: Targeted - Additional Interventions
Wave 2 is used alongside Wave 1 to provide extra support to pupils who are not quite meeting age-related expectations. Wave 2 involves identifying these pupils and taking the necessary steps to personalise their learning experience so that they can get back on track in their learning journey. Extra support can be provided during regular lesson time (immediate intervention)- it doesn't have to take place outside of whole-class teaching.
Wave 3: Specialist - Personalised Interventions
Wave 3 encourages teachers to create a personalised learning program for students struggling to meet age-related expectations. This step is for students who require more support than is provided in Wave 2.Wave 3 may even require SEND-specialists or SEND teaching assistants to provide further support to learners to help them progress at the expected rate.
What are the 4 areas of SEND?
In the SEND Code of Practice, there are four broad areas of special educational needs, that should be identified and focused on within educational settings
The four main SEND areas are:
- Communication and Interaction
- Cognition and Learning
- Social, Emotional and Mental Health difficulties
- Physical and/or Sensory Needs
With regard to these categories, the Code states that "Many children and young people have difficulties that fit clearly into one of these areas; some have needs that span two or more areas; for others the precise nature of their need may not be clear at the outset."
The documents below give more detail about each area of need, the difficulties children may have and the things that we may notice.
How do we assess the needs of children with SEND?
The Graduated Approach to Support
The Graduated Approach refers to the system of SEN support within mainstream settings. It is the system by which schools assess the needs of children and young people and then provide appropriate support. The system should follow four stages, often referred to as a 'cycle': Assess, Plan, Do, Review. Please click on the document below for more information on Scremerston's graduated approach to support. Here is further information and guidance about the graduated approach specifically for parents and carers.
SEND Information Report
Please find below our SEND Information Report which provides more details of how we meet the needs of children with SEND at Scremerston First School alongside our SEND and inclusion policy.
SEND Local Offer
The Local Offer, is a free and impartial service provided by Northumberland County Council where information is provided about what is available in Northumberland for children and young people aged 0- 25 years with special education needs and or a disability (SEND) and their families. Northumberland county council have also outlined a wide description of the special educational provision it
expects to be available in Northumberland in the form of their ordinarily available provision document for both early years and primary school settings.
Please click here to find the Northumberland Mainstream Local Offer.
Please click here to see the full Local Offer for Special Educational Needs and Disability from the the Local Authority.
Please click here to access the Northumberland Ordinarily Available Provision Guidance.
Please click here to access the Early Years Northumberland Ordinarily Available Provision Guidance.