
Even in these days of texting and spell checkers on computers we believe that writing is a key skill that all children should be helped to acquire. Through a carefully structured programme of study we aim to help all our children achieve their potential as writers. Not only does writing allow the children to share their brilliant ideas it also enables them to communicate with others.

The National Curriculum 2014 sets clear objectives for writing and the expected standards children should typically reach. 

Children are encouraged to write in a variety of genres both fiction and non-fiction. Typically, in the early stages, reading prowess outstrips writing but as children become more experienced readers they begin to use their experience of text to inform their writing.

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Children use Spelling Shed throughout school to help them learn spelling rules and, of course, all those spelling that do not follow the rules!

Spelling shed is an online spelling platform which can be accessed both in school and at home and is an engaging way for the children to learn their spellings and challenge themselves to get better and better, through a series of games.

The nuts and bolts of writing may not be the most glamourous part of the writing curriculum, but the spelling, punctuation and grammar (SPaG) are essential to well crafted pieces of writing. 

We teach a weekly lesson dedicated to SPaG, so that the children can develop these skills and apply them in their writing, right across the curriculum.



Punctuation: The Best Guide to Using Punctuation Marks | Grammarly Blog