What you need to know


pupil absences


If your child is ill, please call the school on 01289 307536 before 9am to give the reason for their absence.  

Any parent wishing to take a child out of school during term time must apply to the Head Teacher giving an explanation.  It is at the Head Teacher's discretion whether or not the absence is authorised but this will only be in exceptional circumstances.

School Hours 

Our School start and finish times. 


 School starts at 8.40am and closes at 3.10pm.


Breakfast club opens at 8am - 8.20am - children should be brought to the office door for breakfast club. 


Morning arrangements...

All children should wait with their adult at the pedestrian gate for a member of staff to collect them at 8.40am. 


Afternoon arrangements...

All children should be collected from the school yard at 3.10pm.  


Scremerston First School Term/Holiday Dates 2024 - 2025

Early Bird Breakfast Club

Breakfast club is run daily from 8am by Mrs Rooney. We currently hold breakfast club in the school hall where a selection of yummy toast, cereals and milk is on offer and lots of play can happen before the learning day begins. 

If your child is attending breakfast club, please make sure they are in school by 8.20am. 

Breakfast club costs £2 if your child would like breakfast or £1 if not.

If you're entitled to Free School Meals this cost is reduced to £1 if your child has breakfast or 50p if not.  


School Meals

Cookie (Mrs Blackburn) produces delicious, healthy, nutritional and well balanced meals which are cooked on the premises. 

Miss Sweryda joins the team to help out in the hall. 

The cost of school meals are  £2.20 per day / £11.00 per week for children in year 3 & year 4.

You can apply for Free School Meals if your income is below a certain amount or you receive certain benefits, please ask Carly in the office for more details.  

Children in Reception, Year 1 & Year 2 are entitled to universal free school meals, however if your household income is below a certain amount, you should still apply for FSM.


Parental Involvement 

Parents are welcome to visit school at any time.  We value parental involvement, either in relation to their own child's education, or in relation to school activities and events in general.

The school has an active Parents', Teachers' and Friends Association (PTFA), of which every parent is automatically a member.  Events organised by the PTFA include a Christmas and Summer Fair, Bingo nights and own clothes days.  Money raised by the PTFA goes towards supporting the cost of various class and whole school trips, and to help purchase items for the children to use in school.

Parental Feedback 

Parental feedback is extremely important to us here at Scremerston First School. We invite parents to give us feedback regarding all aspects of school life at any time they wish.


Please see the summary of results of our September 2024 parental survey,below.  

Our School Uniform 

At Scremerston we pride ourselves on looking smart and presentable as a whole school and expect all pupils to wear uniform.


Our children are allowed to wear their P.E. Kit on P.E. and swimming days.


We operate a very efficient uniform bank at school, where pre-loved uniform items will be washed and names taken out, for re-distribution. This is not only cost effective for families but also good for the environment! Please let the office know if you'd like any items from our uniform bank. All items are free of charge, donations welcome to the school fund account if you feel it necessary.  


You can order uniform items online from:

Border Embroideries https://www.border-embroideries.co.uk/schools/scremerston-primary-school.html  OR

FP Uniformz https://www.fpuniformz.com/schools/first-school/scremerston-first-school.html 


If you do not have access to online ordering, please let us know. 


You can also find staple items locally in Next, Sports Direct, Asda, Tesco, Morrisons, and Aldi.


You can find our uniform list below. 


Our latest Ofsted report can be accessed via this link:  https://reports.ofsted.gov.uk/provider/21/122248




Poverty Proofing 

We took part in a Poverty Proofing project in January 2024 to identify areas in which we could provide more financial help to families or prevent families being put under too much financial strain for school related costs. Please take a look at our report.